Patti K. reports, "We had to raise the price but it's still a not-for-profit venture. We hope to include premiums like buttons and bumperstickers with future issues. Once again, we got some great old pictures from MomBev and some photos from Liss Ard 97 from Linda Smith Bianucci."
The address is Patti Kleinke, PHTP, Box 304, Union City, NJ 07087-0304. For additional info, e-mail her at or Mike at
Pattie K's description of PHTP: "This is the '90s
equivalent of the old Fan Club Journals. Any contributions--reviews,
photos, original interviews, poetry, stories--are welcome.
I realize that actual printed fanzines are pretty-much outdated by the
Internet but decided to start one after realizing that most of my Patti
Smith-loving friends don't have computers."
HOWEVER...For those who Do, and who wish to preview the Current - and Next - Issue(s), Visit: PHTP - On-Line.
Pattie K says: "Please email submissions to:"