| Fiona's True Crime Book Reviews: Q by author
Michael Quinlan
Little Lost Angel
It's always unnerving to read about young teenagers
killing (in this case) a twelve-year-old, but what's striking
about this story is how little time it took for the relationships
to escalate into violence. Shanda Sharer started at a new
school in the fall of 1991, and on January 11, 1992, she
was murdered. Another feature of interest is the synergism
between two personalities involved in the murder: one who
had the passion to hate the victim, and the other who had
the absence of feeling to be able to kill without remorse.
Michael Quinlan has an engaging, suspenseful style and
brings out some important issues surrounding increased
violence among teenagers. The book is somewhat marred,
though, by his limited knowledge of psychiatry, and by
his occasional irrelevant remarks about normal
teen fascinations (rock music, occult literature).
For another viewpoint on this same crime, see
Cruel Sacrifice by Aphrodite Jones.
[All reviews copyright © Amazon.com, Inc. 1997-8]