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Fiona's List of Best Horror Books Since (roughly) 1980 ![]() [Note on 7/23/98: In response to Paula Guran's mentioning this list in DarkEcho, I'm making a mad effort to update it. I've added a few for those visiting via DarkEcho. If you want to know more about what I like, check out the truly huge and still growing list of horror reviews I've done for Amazon.com. Amazon doesn't tell me what to review or what to say, and I only review stuff that I like!] Ackroyd, Peter -- Hawksmoor Aiken, Joan -- The Haunting of Lamb House Arnzen, Michael -- Grave Markings Aycliffe, Jonathan -- Naomi's Room; The Vanishment Banks, Iain -- The Wasp Factory* Ballard, J. G. -- Crash; The Atrocity Exhibition* Barker, Clive -- Books of Blood 1-3*; In the Flesh; The Inhuman Condition; Cabal Bradfield, Scott -- The History of Luminous Motion* (What's Wrong with America and Greetings from Earth are also supposed to be good) Brite, Poppy Z. -- Swamp Foetus* (re-printed as Wormwood) Cadnum, Michael -- St. Peter's Wolf Cady, Jack -- The Off Season (not to be confused with Jack Ketchum's Off Season) Campbell, Ramsey -- everything! especially Alone With the Horrors*, his short story collection from Arkham House, and Nazareth Hill* Carroll, Jonathan -- ??whether he counts as horror (Land of Laughs; Bones of the Moon; The Panic Hand) Carter, Angela -- Burning Your Boats Chappell, Fred -- More Shapes Than One Connelly, Joe -- Bringing Out the Dead Cooper, Dennis -- Frisk*; Try Crews, Harry -- A Feast of Snakes* Datlow, Ellen (ed.) -- various anthologies: my current fave is Little Deaths Denton, Bradley -- Blackburn; One Day Closer to Death Devereaux, Robert -- Deadweight; Santa Steps Out Disch, Thomas M. -- The M.D.: A Horror Story Dobyns, Stephen -- The Church of Dead Girls (don't read it as a thriller!) Dunn, Katherine -- Geek Love* Ellis, Bret Easton -- American Psycho Engstrom, Elizabeth -- Lizard Wine* Etchison, Dennis -- The Dark Country Etchison, Dennis (ed.)-- The Cutting Edge; Metahorror Grant, Charles L. -- Tales from the Nightside Gregory, Stephen -- The Cormorant; The Woodwitch; The Blood of Angels* Grimson, Todd -- Brand New Cherry Flavor Hardin, Rob -- Distorture* Harris, Thomas -- Red Dragon*; The Silence of the Lambs Hartwell, David G. (ed.) -- The Dark Descent*; Foundations of Fear Hawkes, Judith -- Julian's House Heim, Scott -- In Awe Herbert, James -- pick one: perhaps Moon Hodge, Brian -- Deathgrip; also his short story collections Holder, Nancy -- Dead in the Water Horsting, Jessica and James Van Hise (eds.) -- Midnight Graffiti Hynes, James -- Publish or Perish: Three Tales of Tenure & Terror Ingalls, Rachel -- Mrs. Caliban Jeter, K. W. -- The Nightman Joyce, Graham -- The Tooth Fairy Kalich, Richard -- The Nihilesthete* King, Stephen -- Misery; Bag of Bones* (yes, I've read it, and it's superb) Klein, T. E. D. -- Dark Gods*; The Ceremonies Koja, Kathe -- The Cipher; Skin* Laidlaw, Marc -- The 37th Mandala Lane, Joel -- The Earth Wire and Other Stories Lansdale, Joe R. -- By Bizarre Hands*; Cold in July; The Drive-In; The Nightrunners; Savage Season Laws, Stephen -- several good ones: hard to pick one (e.g., The Frighteners) Lessing, Doris -- The Fifth Child Ligotti, Thomas -- Songs of a Dead Dreamer; Grimscribe*; Noctuary; or get them all in The Nightmare Factory Little, Bentley -- The Mailman; The Ignored; The Store Lucas, Timothy -- Throat Sprockets Maginn, Simon -- Sheep*; Virgins and Martyrs Manguel, Alberto, (ed.) -- Black Water; Black Water 2 Matheson, Richard Christian -- Scars McCabe, Patrick -- The Butcher Boy; The Dead School McCammon, Robert -- pick one: maybe They Thirst McCarthy, Cormac -- Child of God; Blood Meridian* McDowell, Michael -- The Elementals McGrath, Patrick -- The Grotesque; Spider*; Dr. Haggard's Disease; Asylum McLean, Duncan -- Bunker Man McNaughton, Brian -- The Throne of Bones Monteleone, Thomas F. (ed.) -- Borderlands (I haven't been as impressed with the follow-ups) Morrow, Bradford and Patrick McGrath (eds.) -- The New Gothic Murrey, Mary -- The Inquisitor Newman, Kim -- The Night Mayor; Bad Dreams (others of his are also good) Oates, Joyce Carol -- Haunted: Tales of the Grotesque Partridge, Norman -- Mr. Fox and Other Feral Tales; Slippin' Into Darkness Partridge, Norman & Martin Greenberg (eds.) -- It Came from the Drive-In Rice, Anne -- Interview with the Vampire Rickman, Phil -- Curfew (published as Crybbe in the UK -- others of his are also good) Roszak, Theodore -- Flicker Royle, Nicholas -- Counterparts Ryan, Alan (ed.) -- Night Visions 1: In the Blood (important because it has 7 tales by Steve Rasnic Tem) Schow, David J. (ed.) -- The Silver Scream Schow, David J. -- The Shaft*; all his stories, especially Seeing Red; Black Leather Required; Crypt Orchids Shea, Michael -- Polyphemus Shepard; Lucius -- Life During Wartime; The Jaguar Hunter; The Ends of the Earth, The Golden Shirley, John -- Heatseeker; Wetbones; Black Butterflies Siddons, Anne Rivers -- The House Next Door Siegel, Lee -- City of Dreadful Night* Simmons, Dan -- Song of Kali*; Carrion Comfort; Lovedeath Skipp, John and Craig Spector -- The Scream Skipp, John and Craig Spector (eds.) -- Book of the Dead 1 & 2 Slade, Michael -- Headhunter Stableford, Brian -- The Empire of Fear Stone, Jr., Del -- Dead Heat Straub, Peter -- Ghost Story; Houses Without Doors* Suskind, Patrick -- Perfume Tem, Melanie -- Prodigal Tessier, Thomas -- Rapture; Phantom Williamson, Chet -- Lowland Rider Wilson, F. Paul -- The Keep Winter, Douglas (ed.) -- Prime Evil Wright, Steven -- Going Native Wright, T. M. -- A Manhattan Ghost Story --if I left someone off who you really think belongs here, be sure to let me know! --I know "around 1980" is a pretty arbitrary date, but I wanted to suggest some of the recent stuff because people frequently ask for recommendations. I plan eventually to have two lists, with a more historically meaningful division into pre- and post-1967 (the date of Ira Levin's Rosemary's Baby.) --asterisks indicate books that have affected me personally a great deal --quite a few excellent authors are not on this list by name because their best work is short stories, and either they don't have a major collection out (e.g., Steve Rasnic Tem) or they write a mix of horror and other genres (e.g., George R. R. Martin) or for some other capricious reason I omitted them--at any rate, be sure to check out the short story anthologies, listed by editor --these books were chosen not just because I liked them, but also because they got good reviews: the best way to keep up with contemporary horror is to subscribe to a good review publication, such as Necrofile from Necronomicon Press (101 Lockwood Street, West Warwick, RI 02893, or order it from one of the sources on the horror mail-order page) Copyright Fiona Webster 1996;1998 <fi@oceanstar.com> [ Back to Fear & Loathing | Write to Fiona | Top] |